Thursday, October 11, 2012

Avedon Portraits

In this week's collection we tried to follow Avedon's rules of no distractions, plane white background, only particular subjects, and black and white. I found that this was much harder than it seems to find honest and pure photos of my classmates, when we all tend to automatically pose when a camera is pointed at us. It took long conversations and pondering questions in order to get these honest expressions from this beautiful couple.


  1. I liked your shots. I think you got the idea behind Avedon's work of trying to capture the emotions that we show genuinely.

  2. Pretty nice portrait except in the last one she isn't looking straight at the camera.

  3. Great start here, Marcus. I think you achieved your goal of finding honest and pure photos of classmates. Every portrait presents a different emotion and I like how the last three subtly change with a different facial expression

  4. I really enjoyed looking at your photos. i think that you did a very good job of capturing your models without them posting for the camera. i especially think in young first three photos you really captured the emotion of your model.

  5. These are very pretty portraits and they really capture your subject's instantaneous emotions.

  6. well done marcus! i really like the black and white and post shooting editing. The pictures of sativa are very captivating and stirring.

  7. marcus really great job overall on these photos! they seem to really capture your models emotions and intensity. the last three are very nice and convey expression to the viewer. but your model in the first three looks like a total dickhead
